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SLAYER: Οι άρχοντες του thrash metal!

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SLAYER: Οι άρχοντες του thrash metal!

Ο  μεγάλοι Αμερικανοί  SLAYER, άρχοντες του thrash metal, είναι ένα συγκρότημα που δημιουργήθηκε στην  Καλιφόρνια το 1981 από τους δυο κιθαρίστες του συγκροτήματος, Kerry King και τον Jeffrey  Hanneman (πέθανε το 2013, λόγω κίρρωσης του ήπατος). Η μπάντα ολοκληρώθηκε με την προσθήκη του μπασίστα και τραγουδιστή Χιλιανής καταγωγής Tom Araya και του φοβερού ντράμερ Dave Lombardo.

Οι SLAYER στα πρώτα τους βήματα έβαλαν σκοπό να δημιουργήσουν μουσική έξω απ' τα συνηθισμένα και όσο γίνεται πιο γρήγορη και πιο βάναυση και φυσικά, τα κατάφεραν στο έπακρο!

Με επιρροές από τους VENOM και τους κλασσικούς του heavy metal, IRON MAIDERN, JUDAS PRIEST, εξέλιξαν στο πέρασμα του χρόνου αυτή την ακατέργαστη μεγάλη δύναμή τους σε έναν ανελέητο thrash metal... οδοστρωτήρα και κατάφεραν ν' αφήσουν τη δική τους καλλιτεχνική σφραγίδα και να ασκήσουν μεγάλη επιρροή μέσα από τον ήχο τους για άλλες μπάντες στο μέλλον!

Oι αμερικανοί thrashers έγραψαν φοβερά τραγούδια, που ξεχειλίζουν από τρομερή ενέργεια και ασταμάτητη επιθετικότητα με δολοφονικά ριφς που κατακλύζουν όλα τα άλμπουμ τους!

Το 2018 οι SLAYER ανακοίνωσαν τη διάλυση τους, μετά από 35 χρόνια ενεργούς παρουσίας στις επάλξεις της σκληρής  μουσικής.


Οι SLAYER είναι:

Kerry King Guitars (1981-2019)
Tom Araya       Vocals, Bass (1982-2019)
Paul Bostaph     Drums (1992-1996, 1997-2001, 2013-2019)
Gary Holt          Guitars (2013-2019)
Dave Lombardo   Drums (1982-1986, 1987-1992, 2001-2013)(past members)
Jeffrey  Hanneman    Guitars (1981-2018)(past members)


Ακούστε παρακάτω όλη τη  δισκογραφία των SLAYER  ΚΑΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΚΛΙΚ ΠΑΝΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ:




Show No Mercy (1983)


1. Evil Has No Boundaries 03:12   

2. The Antichrist 02:50

3. Die by the Sword 03:37   

4. Fight till Death 03:40   

5. Metal Storm / Face the Slayer 04:55

6. Black Magic 04:07   

7. Tormentor 03:46   

8. The Final Command 02:33

9. Crionics 03:30   

10. Show No Mercy 03:08   


Hell Awaits (1985)


1. Hell Awaits 06:16   

2. Kill Again 04:56

3. At Dawn They Sleep 06:19

4. Praise of Death 05:20   

5. Necrophiliac 03:45

6. Crypts of Eternity 06:38   

7. Hardening of the Arteries 03:58   


Reign in Blood (1986)


1. Angel of Death 04:51   

2. Piece by Piece 02:02

3. Necrophobic 01:41

4. Altar of Sacrifice 02:50   

5. Jesus Saves 02:55   

6. Criminally Insane 02:22   

7. Reborn 02:12   

8. Epidemic 02:23   

9. Postmortem 03:27   

10. Raining Blood 04:16   


South of Heaven (1988)


1. South of Heaven 04:58   

2. Silent Scream 03:06   

3. Live Undead 03:50   

4. Behind the Crooked Cross 03:14   

5. Mandatory Suicide 04:05   

6. Ghosts of War 03:53   

7. Read Between the Lies 03:20   

8. Cleanse the Soul 03:02   

9. Dissident Aggressor (Judas Priest cover) 02:35   

10. Spill the Blood 04:51   


Seasons in the Abyss (1990)


1. War Ensemble 04:52   

2. Blood Red 02:50   

3. Spirit in Black 04:07   

4. Expendable Youth 04:10   

5. Dead Skin Mask 05:17   

6. Hallowed Point 03:24   

7. Skeletons of Society 04:41   

8. Temptation 03:26   

9. Born of Fire 03:08   

10. Seasons in the Abyss 06:32   


Divine Intervention (1994)


1. Killing Fields 03:57   

2. Sex. Murder. Art. 01:50   

3. Fictional Reality   03:37   

4. Dittohead 02:30   

5. Divine Intervention 05:33   

6. Circle of Beliefs 04:29   

7. SS-3 04:06   

8. Serenity in Murder 02:36   

9. 213 04:51   

10. Mind Control 03:04   


Undisputed Attitude (1996)


1. Disintegration / Free Money (Verbal Abuse cover) 01:41   

2. Verbal Abuse / Leeches (Verbal Abuse cover) 01:57   

3. Abolish Government / Superficial Love (T.S.O.L. cover) 01:47   

4. Can't Stand You 01:27   

5. Ddamm   01:01   

6. Guilty of Being White (Minor Threat cover) 01:06   

7. I Hate You (Verbal Abuse cover) 02:16   

8. Filler / I Don't Want to Hear It (Minor Threat cover) 02:28

9. Spiritual Law (D.I. cover) 02:59   

10. Mr. Freeze (Dr. Know cover) 02:23   

11. Violent Pacification (D.R.I. cover) 02:37   

12. Richard Hung Himself (D.I. cover) 03:21   

13. I'm Gonna Be Your God (The Stooges cover) 02:58   

14. Gemini 04:53   Show lyrics


Diabolus in Musica (1998)


1. Bitter Peace 04:32   

2. Death's Head 03:29   

3. Stain of Mind 03:24   

4. Overt Enemy 04:41   

5. Perversions of Pain 03:30

6. Love to Hate 03:05

7. Desire 04:18   

8. In the Name of God 03:38   

9. Scrum 02:18   

10. Screaming from the Sky 03:12   

11. Point 04:12   


God Hates Us All (2001)


1. Darkness of Christ 01:30   

2. Disciple   03:37   

3. God Send Death 03:46   

4. New Faith 03:05   

5. Cast Down 03:28   

6. Threshold 02:29   

7. Exile 03:57   

8. Seven Faces 03:42   

9. Bloodline 03:36   

10. Deviance 03:09   

11. War Zone 02:46   

12. Here Comes the Pain 04:31   

13. Payback 03:05   


Christ Illusion (2006)


1. Flesh Storm 04:16   

2. Catalyst 03:09   

3. Skeleton Christ 04:25   

4. Eyes of the Insane 03:32   

5. Jihad 03:30

6. Consfearacy 03:09   

7. Catatonic 04:53   

8. Black Serenade 03:17   

9. Cult 04:42   

10. Supremist 03:51   


World Painted Blood (2009)


1. World Painted Blood 05:53

2. Unit 731 02:40   

3. Snuff 03:42   

4. Beauty Through Order 04:37   

5. Hate Worldwide 02:52   

6. Public Display of Dismemberment 02:35

7. Human Strain 03:09   

8. Americon 03:23

9. Psychopathy Red 02:26   

10. Playing with Dolls 04:14   

11. Not of This God 04:20   


Repentless (2015)


1. Delusions of Saviour 01:55

2. Repentless 03:20   

3. Take Control 03:14   

4. Vices 03:32   

5. Cast the First Stone 03:43   

6. When the Stillness Comes 04:21   

7. Chasing Death 03:45   

8. Implode 03:49   

9. Piano Wire 02:49   

10. Atrocity Vendor   02:55   

11. You Against You 04:21

12. Pride in Prejudice 04:14   




Haunting the Chapel (1984)


1. Chemical Warfare 06:01   

2. Captor of Sin 03:30   

3. Haunting the Chapel 03:56


Live Undead (1984) EP


1. Black Magic 03:56   

2. Die by the Sword 04:01   

3. Show No Mercy   03:04   

4. Captor of Sin 03:32   

5. Hauting the Chapel 03:56   

6. The Final Command 02:33


Serenity in Murder (1995)


1. At Dawn They Sleep (live) 06:29   

2. Dead Skin Mask (live) 05:19   

3. Divine Intervention (live) 05:10   

4. Dittohead (live) 02:50   

5. Serenity in Murder 02:39   

6. Special Message 02:56  




Decade of Aggression (1991)


Disc 1

1. Hell Awaits 06:51   

2. The Antichrist 03:55   

3. War Ensemble 04:53   

4. South of Heaven 04:25   

5. Raining Blood 02:32   

6. Altar of Sacrifice 02:48   

7. Jesus Saves 04:13   

8. Dead Skin Mask 04:58   

9. Seasons in the Abyss 07:01   

10. Mandatory Suicide 04:01   

11. Angel of Death 05:24    

Disc 2

1. Hallowed Point 03:38   

2. Blood Red 03:12   

3. Die by the Sword 03:17   

4. Black Magic 03:35   

5. Captor of Sin 03:29   

6. Born of Fire 03:00   

7. Postmortem 04:04   

8. Spirit in Black 04:22   

9. Expendable Youth 04:28   

10. Chemical Warfare 05:26   


Live Intrusion (1995) DVD


1. Raining Blood 04:23   

2. Killing Fields 03:56   

3. War Ensemble 04:51   

4. At Dawn They Sleep 05:03   

5. Divine Intervention 05:33   

6. Dittohead 02:50

7. Captor of Sin 03:21   

8. 213 04:51   

9. South of Heaven 04:58   

10. Sex, Murder, Art 01:50   

11. Mandatory Suicide 04:03   

12. Angel of Death 04:50   

13. Hell Awaits 04:53   

14. Witching Hour (Venom cover) 02:54   

15. Chemical Warfare 05:17   


War at the Warfield (2003) DVD


1. Disciple       03:50   

2. War Ensemble 04:52   

3. Stain of Mind 03:27

4. New Faith 03:00   

5. Postmortem 03:36   

6. Raining Blood 03:27   

7. Hell Awaits 05:00   

8. Here Comes the Pain 05:07   

9. Die by the Sword 03:37   

10. Dittohead 02:32   

11. Bloodline 03:35   

12. God Send Death 04:34   

13. Dead Skin Mask 05:12   

14. Seasons in the Abyss 04:08   

15. Captor of Sin 05:40   

16. Mandatory Suicide 03:58   

17. Chemical Warfare 05:36   

18. South of Heaven 04:08   

19. Angel of Death 04:51   


Still Reigning (2004) DVD


1. Angel of Death 05:17   

2. Piece by Piece 02:06   

3. Necrophobic 01:52   

4. Altar of Sacrifice 02:57   

5. Jesus Saves 03:00   

6. Criminally Insane 02:38

7. Reborn 02:22   

8. Epidemic 02:52

9. Postmortem 04:08

10. Raining Blood 04:28   

11. War Ensemble 05:32   

12. Hallowed Point   03:28   

13. Necrophiliac 03:36

14. Mandatory Suicide 04:10

15. Spill the Blood 04:40   

16. South of Heaven 04:27   


The Unholy Alliance Chapter II Preaching to the Perverted

Children of Bodom / Lamb of God / Slayer / Mastodon / Thine Eyes Bleed (2007) DVD


1. Thine Eyes Bleed - Dark White 03:36   

2. Children of Bodom - Angels Don't Kill 05:29   

3. Children of Bodom - In Your Face 04:07   

4. Mastodon - Capillarian Crest 04:49   

5. Mastodon - Crystal Skull 03:25   

6. Mastodon - Blood and Thunder 03:56   

7. Lamb of God - Vigil 05:53   

8. Slayer - South of Heaven 04:46   

9. Slayer - Silent Scream 02:44

10. Slayer - Blood Red 02:35   

11. Slayer - Cult 05:04   

12. Slayer - Chemical Warfare 05:30   

13. Slayer - Eyes of the Insane 04:47   

14. Slayer - Dead Skin Mask 05:19   

15. Slayer - Hell Awaits 05:46   

16. Slayer - The Antichrist 02:46   

17. Slayer - Angel of Death 05:04   


The Repentless Killogy (Live at the Forum in Inglewood, CA) (2019)DVD


1. Delusions of Saviour 01:55   instrumental

2. Repentless 03:25   

3. The Antichrist 02:43

4. Disciple 04:31

5. Postmortem 04:05   

6. Hate Worldwide 02:52

7. War Ensemble 03:46

8. When the Stillness Comes 04:21   

9. You Against You 04:21

10. Mandatory Suicide 05:05

11. Hallowed Point 03:38   

12. Dead Skin Mask 04:59

13. Born of Fire 03:00   

14. Cast the First Stone 03:43   

15. Bloodline 04:03

16. Seasons in the Abyss 06:05   

17. Hell Awaits 06:50   

18. South of Heaven 04:25   

19. Raining Blood 02:32   

20. Chemical Warfare 05:25   

21. Angel of Death 05:53   


Darkness Reigns (Live 1992) (2020)


1. Hell Awaits 06:12  

2. Antichrist 02:46  

3. South of Heaven 04:22  

4. Silent Scream 03:27  

5. Dead Skin Mask   05:00  

6. Seasons in the Abyss 06:27  

7. War Ensemble 05:26  

8. Mandatory Suicide 04:21  

9. Raining Blood/Angel of Death 07:08




Soundtrack to the Apocalypse (2003)


Disc 1 (CD)

1. Angel of Death 04:50   

2. Criminally Insane (remix) 03:07   

3. Postmortem 03:27   

4. Raining Blood 04:12   

5. Aggressive Perfector 02:28   

6. South of Heaven 04:45   

7. Silent Scream 03:05   

8. Live Undead 03:50   

9. Mandatory Suicide 04:04   

10. Spill the Blood 04:49   

11. War Ensemble 04:51   

12. Dead Skin Mask 05:16   

13. Hallowed Point 03:24   

14. Born of Fire 03:07   

15. Seasons in the Abyss 06:26   

16. Hell Awaits (live) 06:49   

17. The Antichrist (live) 03:11   

18. Chemical Warfare (live) 05:25      

Disc 2 (CD)

1. Sex. Murder. Art. 01:50   

2. Dittohead 02:30   

3. Divine Intervention 05:32   

4. Serenity in Murder 02:36   

5. 213 04:51   

6. Can't Stand You 01:27   

7. Ddamm 01:01   

8. Gemini 04:51   

9. Bitter Peace 04:31   

10. Death's Head 03:29   

11. Stain of Mind 03:24   

12. Disciple 03:35   

13. God Send Death 03:45   

14. New Faith 03:05   

15. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Iron Butterfly cover) 03:16   

16. Disorder (The Exploited cover) 04:56   

17. Memories of Tomorrow (Suicidal Tendencies cover) 00:53   

18. Human Disease   04:20   

19. Unguarded Instinct 03:44   

20. Wicked 06:03   

21. Addict 03:41   

22. Scarstruck 03:31     

Disc 3 (CD)

1. Ice Titan (live 1983) (unreleased) 04:18  

2. The Antichrist (early demo) 02:53   

3. Fight Til Death (early demo) 03:30   

4. Necrophiliac (live) 05:00   

5. Piece by Piece (rough mix) 02:13   

6. Raining Blood (live) 03:09   

7. Angel of Death (live) 04:58   

8. Raining Blood (Jeff Hanneman home recording - early version) 02:00   

9. South of Heaven (Jeff Hanneman home recording - early version) 03:29   

10. Seasons in the Abyss (live) 06:43   

11. Mandatory Suicide (live) 03:59   

12. Mind Control (live) 03:05   

13. No Remorse (I Wanna Die) (w/ Atari Teenage Riot) 04:15

14. Dittohead (live) 03:03   

15. Sex. Murder. Art.(live) 02:22   

16. Bloodline (live) 04:02   

17. Payback (live) 06:39   

Disc 4 (DVD)

1. Die by the Sword (live) - 1983, California 03:58   

2. Aggressive Perfector (live) - 1983, California 03:39   

3. Praise of Death (live) - 1984, California 04:48   

4. Haunting the Chapel (live) - 1985, Sweden 03:56   

5. Necrophobic (live) - 1986, New York 02:27

6. Reborn (live) - 1986, New York 03:11   

7. Jesus Saves (live) - 1986, New York 02:54

8. War Ensemble (live) - 1991, Michigan 05:17   

9. South of Heaven (live) - 1991, Michigan 04:18   

10. Dead Skin Mask (live) - 1991, Michigan 05:44   

11. Gemini (live) - 1996, California 04:44   

12. Heaviest Band Award Kerrang! Magazine, '96 03:23  

13. EPK for Diabolus in Musica 07:03  

14. Stain of Mind (live) - 1998, Tokyo, Japan 03:37   

15. Bloodline (live) - 2002 by ESPN 03:29   

16. Disciple (live)- 2003, France 03:44   

17. God Send Death (live) - 2003, France 03:50   



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